Clusters of Excellence
In Clusters of Excellence, established researchers from various disciplines work together to find answers to current scientific questions – in close cooperation with non-university research institutions and business partners.
In Clusters of Excellence, established researchers from various disciplines work together to find answers to current scientific questions – in close cooperation with non-university research institutions and business partners.
LMU has been funded in the “Clusters of Excellence” funding line since the beginning of the Excellence Initiative, and now in the framework of the Excellence Strategy. Currently, LMU maintains four Clusters of Excellence, together with the Technical University of Munich (TUM).
Episodes of the Clusters of Excellence podcast Exzellent Erklärt – Spitzenforschung für alle:
"Quantensimulation: Schlüssel zu Hochtemperatur-Supraleitern?" (in German, released July 1, 2024)
"Quantenwissenschaft – Grundlage der Technologien von morgen" (in German, released December 15, 2021)
Episodes of the Clusters of Excellence podcast Exzellent Erklärt – Spitzenforschung für alle:
"Das Universum im Labor: Wie künstliche Intelligenz (KI) bei der Suche nach Elementarteilchen hilft" (in German, released September 15, 2024)
"Das ORIGINS of Life Lab: Der Entstehung des Lebens auf der Spur" (in German, released September 15, 2022)
Episodes of the Clusters of Excellence podcast Exzellent Erklärt – Spitzenforschung für alle (in German):
"Alzheimer – Entstehung, Erkenntnisse, Forschungsfragen" (released October 4, 2021)
"Neurowissenschaften: Reparaturmechanismen im Gehirn" (released February 1, 2025)
„Der Podcast zur Demenzforschung: Verständlich erklärt" – Podcast series by the Cluster of Excellence SyNergy (in German; 10 episodes, released approx. every three weeks starting in September 2023)
Episodes of the Clusters of Excellence podcast Exzellent Erklärt – Spitzenforschung für alle:
"Energie aus Licht – Die Magie der Photoelektrokatalyse" (in German, released July 15, 2024)
"Energieforschung – Starke Akkus für die Energiewende" (in German, released May 1, 2022)
In the two previous funding periods of the Excellence Initiative (2006-2012, 2012-2019), LMU maintained four Clusters of Excellence. In addition, until 2019, LMU also contributed significantly to a Cluster of Excellence maintained by the Technical University of Munich (TUM).
Unit Research Strategy
Coordination Excellence Strategy